Top Quotes: “May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness” — Gabrielle Bernstein

Austin Rose
3 min readNov 3, 2023


“The payoff for sticking to the Course principles is that the more you choose gratitude, forgiveness, and love, the more miracles you experience. If you’re wondering what I mean by “miracle,” it’s simple: a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. A miracle can be the moment you choose to forgive your ex-lover and let go of decades of resentment, or the moment you recognize that losing your job was not a tragedy but an opportunity to follow your true calling.”

“Whenever you notice your fears rise up during the day, repeat the affirmation. For instance, if you become anxious at work, nervous before a date, or uncomfortable meeting someone new, you can simply use your affirmation: I am willing to witness my fear. The practice of witnessing your fear is important because it guides you to understand your triggers.”

“Take a moment to reflect on your day, and make a list of all the fears that came up for you today. Next to each fear write this affirmation: “I am wiling to see love instead of this.” For instance, if your fear was, “I’m afraid to speak up in the office meeting for fear of having my ideas rejected,” simply write: I am willing to see love instead of this.”

Make a list of your top five fears, and then next to each one write what you’ve learned and why you’re grateful for these assignments. Take a moment and try to see your fears in a new light. Couldn’t these difficult situations in your life be offering you opportunities for growth? The answer is YES! This exercise helps you to focus on how your fear is guiding you to grow rather than to stay stuck. So, for instance, maybe noticing your fear in relationships is calling you to deal with a deep feeling of loneliness you experienced as a teenager or after a bad breakup. Maybe there’s a hurt there that never got the proper treatment or time to heal. Or maybe your issues with your family members have brought all the negativity to the surface so that you can deal with it now.”

“Take out your notebook and highlight one moment during the day when you blocked love. Maybe you were rude to someone on the street, snapped at a coworker, or woke up with a bad attitude and carried it around throughout the day. Jot down one instance in which fear took over.

Reflecting on that negative moment may bring you back into that negative state. For a minute let yourself simply feel the negativity that comes over you. Once you’re ready, say out loud to yourself, “I forgive myself for getting stuck in this fear. I know there is a loving way to see this. I believe in miracles.” Then sit in stillness for one more minute and let the energy of these words settle into your emotional body. Give yourself the time to let love step in and take the wheel. Breathe into the feeling of relief that comes through when you affirm your faith in miracles. Notice how your body relaxes and your forehead softens. Pay attention to the miracle and savor it.”

“Throughout the day, when you notice yourself fill up with fear or self-resentment, simply say, “I forgive myself for having this thought. I choose love instead.””

I recognize how l’ve been unkind. I acknowledge that this behavior is not who I truly am. I now know that this unkindness comes from my ego’s wrong decision to choose fear over love. I forgive myself for this wrong-minded decision. I choose to see love instead.

You can take these three steps into your day-to-day life. Each time you witness yourself being unkind, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel and then immediately forgive yourself. By continuously acknowledging your unkind ego behavior, you will weaken the bad habit and transcend the ego’s need to judge.”



Austin Rose
Austin Rose

Written by Austin Rose

I read non-fiction and take copious notes. Currently traveling around the world for 5 years, follow my journey at

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